Training Tip:Frustration


This Training Tip also has to do with frustration.

We have all heard the saying “Frustration begins where knowledge ends”.

What can you do to get less frustrated around horses or with yourself?

We all have those moments where that frustrated feeling creeps up inside of us. In my case, I usually notice it when I catch myself thinking (or saying out loud) “Come On!” or “Seriously!?”.

That can be directed at myself, or more often than not, at my electronic devices…LOL

See if you can notice a pattern in yourself, a behavior (throwing things across the room for example) or words that come out of your mouth. Use that as a warning sign, stop what you are doing, challenge the situation and choose a response.

You might have already gotten the hint—this training tip is about YOUR mental & emotional fitness.

Frustration is just an emotion, derived from lack of knowledge. As a Parelli Student, you have access to a wealth of knowledge on the Parelli Savvy Club, the network of Parelli Professionals and your study group. Take advantage of that!

Train your brain to train, as Pat Parelli would say! Become more mentally & emotionally fit, which is what we expect of our horses too!

And remember, to make it a game! A game is something we play. We aim to play with our horses. And there really shouldn’t be any room for frustration when you’re playing. It’s all fun and games!

So, use your time wisely, surf around the Savvy Club website and watch one of the many videos on there while you’re ironing for example. Listen to the Pat Talks as you are driving down the road.

Sign up for long-distance coaching and get as knowledgeable and savvy as you can be!