WOW! What a Week it Has Been!
Skijoring ★
For me, it was the lull between two skijor competitions where I tried to relax & recover from last weekend’s effects, which are mainly soreness from getting pulled behind a horse (on purpose!) as well as a bruised butt cheek from crashing in one of my runs.
Don’t know what skijoring is? Here is the link to a blog I wrote about it:
It was also a week filled with connection: Getting to spend quality time with the skijoring community from Montana who traveled a long way for the two competitions on back-to-back weekends here in Colorado.
We got to ski & snowboard together, soak in the hot springs and share meals!
Connection Call ★
My monthly Connection Call also happened this week!
These monthly Connection Calls are part of my virtual “Harmony with Horses MasterClass” course. This course is about the beginning of Liberty with horses.
You can access it here: Harmony With Horses Masterclass
This month’s Connection Call was extra special! I got to sit down & chat with Dr. Stephanie Burns, a true myth-buster!
Being an expert in human behavior, she is on a mission to change people’s mindset about aging. It was a meeting of great minds who think alike and made everyone on the call feel all warm & fuzzy inside.
2025 Experiences ★
You might have seen or heard about the Horsey Experiences that I am offering in Switzerland, Iceland, and Utah this year.
Over the past couple of years, I’ve had several people come on those adventures with me despite the fact that they are well into their 70’s. In fact, we got to celebrate one lady’s 70th birthday with her last July in Iceland! Words can’t express how impressed I am by that!
This calendar quote by Jen Sincero from a few days ago, along with the conversation with Dr. Stephanie Burns sums it all up:
“Watching someone else totally go for it can be terribly upsetting to the person who spent a lifetime building a solid case for why they themselves can’t.”