Zermatt 3


This newsletter comes to you from Switzerland, where I am getting ready to embark on the Matterhorn Magic Adventure with 6 guests from the US!

For 4 days we will be riding around the Matterhorn, making our way up the Alps to the 5* Riffelalp Resort! Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it!?


Speaking of dreams… I like to start with a dream.


“It starts with a dream.

Add faith, and it becomes a belief.

Add action and it becomes a part of life.

Add perseverance, and it becomes a goal in sight.

Add patience and time, and it ends with a dream come true.”


When I ask a horse to do something, I start with a dream. I ask myself, “in my wildest dreams, to how light & little of an aid would I like this horse to respond to?”.

From there, I increase the pressure, add rhythmic pressure or ask the same question differently until the horse gives me the desired response.

If I don’t start with a dream, my horse will never have the opportunity to become my dream.

I need to give him/her a chance, an opportunity to be light. Only then, might we be able to live our dream down the road.


I hope these words inspire you to start with a dream, add faith, add action, add perseverance, add patience & time and live your dream with horses!